4. Function
This section describes the features of this product.
Communication Function
Serial Data Transmission
Sends and receives data in accordance with the RS-232C standard.
The baud rate for each channel can be set independently in the range 300 to 921,600bps by software.
RS-232C Control Lines
All ports include the RTS, CTS, DTR and DSR control lines.
The lines can be controlled by Hardware automatic.
Automatic control becomes either of RTS/CTS or the DTR/DSR control setting. It is not possible to
set it at the same time.
Send and Receive Data Buffers
Each channel has a separate 128-byte send and 384-byte receive buffer.
The buffers operate as FIFO buffers and help reduce the load on the CPU for high-speed communications
or system operation.
XON/XOFF Automatic control function
This converter is controlled by the software flow automatically on hardware. Therefore, it is not necessary
to observe with software like a current application, and the best system can be constructed.