5. BIOS Setup
PT-955LXC-DC5311 User’s manual
Error Messages
One or more of the following messages may be displayed if the BIOS detects an error during the POST.
This list includes messages for both the ISA and the EISA BIOS.
CMOS battery has failed
CMOS battery is no longer functional. It should be replaced.
Disk boot failed
No boot device was found. This could mean that either a boot drive was not detected or the drive does not
contain proper system boot files. Make sure the connection of boot drive and its content.
Error encountered initializing hard drive
Disk drive cannot be initialized. Be sure all recording media such as HDD/SSD/CF are installed correctly.
Also be sure the correct hard drive type is selected in Setup.
Error initializing hard disk controller
Cannot initialize disk drive controller. Be sure all recording media such as HDD/SSD/CF are installed
correctly. Also be sure the correct hard drive type is selected in Setup.
Keyboard error or no keyboard present
Cannot initialize the keyboard. Make sure the keyboard is attached correctly and no keys are being
pressed during the boot.
If you are purposely configuring the system without a keyboard, set the error halt condition in Setup to
HALT ON ALL, BUT KEYBOARD. This will cause the BIOS to ignore the missing keyboard and
continue the boot.
Memory address error at…
Indicates a memory address error at a specific location.
Press a key to REBOOT
This will be displayed at the bottom screen when an error occurs that requires you to reboot.
Press F1 to disable NMI, F2 to REBOOT
When BIOS detects a Non-maskable Interrupt condition during boot, this will allow you to disable the
NMI and continue to boot, or you can reboot the system with the NMI enabled.
System halted, (CTRL-ALT-DEL) to REBOOT…
Indicates the present boot attempt has been aborted and the system must be rebooted. Press and hold
down the CTRL and ALT keys and press DEL.