Mount the support templates
Different templates are supplied with TTPCard suit the range of printable materials.
Proceed as follows:
Select the template appropriate to the medium to be printed according to the table alongside.
Press the green button (4) to open the carriage.
Carefully position the template on the carriage, locating it correctly on the pins provided.
Positioning is identical for all versions of template (See FIG. A)
Correctly locate on the template, a sheet of the medium to be printed (See section 4.7).
Inlay for PC-SB 3,5x5
28366.0 CCI-PC-SB 3,5x5
Inlay for PC-SB 5x5
28020.0 CCI-PC-SB 5x5
Inlay for PC-BSTR all types
28027.0 CCI-PC-CPM-10/BSTR
Inlay for PC-SB 6x5
28047.0 CCI-PC-SB 6x5
Inlay for PC-SB 7,5x4
28046.0 CCI-PC-SB 7,5x4
Inlay for PC-CPM-01
28023.0 CCI-PC-CPM-01
Inlay for PC-CPM-05,-12
28024.0 CCI-PC-CPM-05/12
Inlay for PC-CPM-06
28025.0 CCI-PC-CPM-06
Inlay for PC-CPM-09
28026.0 CCI-PC-CPM-09
Inlay for PC-CPM-10
28027.0 CCI-PC-CPM-10
Inlay for PC-CPM-13
28028.0 CCI-PC-CPM-13
Inlay for PC-SPM-02
28029.0 CCI-PC-SPM-02
Inlay for PC-TPM
28040.0 CCI-PC-TPM
Inlay for all flat labels
Inlay for PC-CPM-01;-02;-03;--04;-07;-11and PC-SPM-03
28042.0 CCI-PC-CPM/SPM
Inlay for PC-TDM (4x12 mm)
28021.0 CCI-PC-TDM
Inlay for PC-TDM (4x16 mm); PC-TDMO
28022.0 CCI-PC-TDMO
Support templates each have a protective PET blank on their upper side. If this needs to be replaced
due to contamination, damage or wear, use only CONTA-CLIP
spare parts. Do not use a template
without its protective blank.