Conspec atmospheric sample draw systems are designed to continuously monitor gas levels in areas
with extreme conditions. A gas monitor cannot be directly placed in areas of extreme heat, high
moisture levels and areas with large amounts of airborne debris. The remote probe design allows for
monitoring in such conditions without damaging the sensitive parts of the gas monitor. The PLC
controlled system is fully automated and allows for easy set up after installation.
The CS0352-MP is an extractive carbon monoxide monitoring system designed specifically to work in
conjunction with the MillPro mill protection system. It is designed to be able to handle the higher
temperatures and moisture levels of PRB coal burning systems. It is a single mill dual probe system. One
probe is located in the top of the mill near the exhaust ports and the second probe is inserted into the
underbowl of the mill.
System Overview
During start up, shutdown and normal running operations the sample is pulled from the top of the mill. A
sample is pulled from the underbowl only while the mill is offline to detect smoldering coal that may have
fallen to the bottom of the mill. The pump is disabled and sampling ceases during a deluge or spray down
of the mill to avoid the system from taking in too much water. The PLC determines the mill status by
several inputs from the MillPro system and acts accordingly.
The CS0352-MP performs scheduled high pressure blow backs to clear the sintered metal probes of any
blockage. The system is able to detect a low flow condition if the probe becomes clogged and will perform
an unscheduled blowback. Scheduled blow back intervals are user definable through the touch screen
Several sample conditioning elements are utilized to ensure accurate gas detection and sensor life. A
Vortec panel cooler and thermostat have been incorporated into the panel to lower the temperature of
the sample. Lowering the temperature to an acceptable level ensures sensor life and condenses any
excess moisture out of the sample air to be removed by a water catch and peristaltic pump.
A flow matching calibration process is used for more accurate gas detection. Using a 3 LPM regulator on
the calibration gas bottles and an adjustable flow regulator within the panel, the sampling flow rate and
calibration flow rate can be matched resulting in a more accurate gas reading