Mode 1:
COD Ghosts: MK-14, Sniper Riffles
Mode 2:
COD Ghosts: Pistols
Mode 3:
COD Ghosts: Semi-Auto Riffles (not MK-14)
Mode 4:
GTA , RDR, COD: Autos, Left 4 Dead
Mode 5:
Halo series
Mode 6:
Gears of War - Hammerburst
Mode 7:
Gears of War – Pistols
Mode 8:
Open Mode – Default 12.5 SPS
Mode 9:
Open Mode – Default 18 SPS
Mode 10:
Open Mode – Default 25 SPS
Mode and Default Speed Chart
Changing Modes
There are 10 modes to select from. Each is pre-programed with a specific speed, but
can be independently programmed to an new speed (See page 6). To change to the
next mode you must HOLD
for 4 seconds. You will see the WHITE LED flash,
count the number of flashes. This will indicate which mode you are currently in. (2
flashes = Mode 2, 3 flashes = Mode 3, etc…). You can also go back to the previous
mode by HOLDING
along with
(4 sec)
Adjustable Fast Reload
To activate/deactivate HOLD
and TAP
. The adjustable fast reload allows
you to shave precious milliseconds off your reload time. This works by cancelling the
last part of the reload animation after the ammo has been added to your weapon.
The fast reload must be set for the weapon you are using, as all weapons have
different reload times. To set the reload timing you must HOLD
until you see
your ammo indicator at the bottom of the screen show that you have full ammo
(this will happen before the reloading animation completes), when you see this
”. This sets the timing and the next time you reload as normal
by hitting
the last part of the reload animation will be cancelled
allowing you to begin firing again sooner than normal.
Pg. 3
Drop Shot (standard Layout)
Drop Shot (Tactical Layout)
The MaxFire ONE V2 supports both standard button layouts and tactical button
layouts. To activate/deactivate drop shot for standard button layouts HOLD
. To activate drop shot for tactical button layouts HOLD in the “
” and TAP
. Drop shot allows you to automatically drop to
prone as soon as you start firing and stand up when you stop. Drop shot has 4 sub
modes and you must always use “
” when changing the sub mode.
Sub Mode 1 = Always Drop/Stand automatically
Sub Mode 2 = Drop/Stand, if NOT Aiming Down Sights
Sub Mode 3 = Drop Only
Sub Mode 4 = Drop Only, if NOT Aiming Down Sights
Jitter Fire
To activate/deactivate jitter fire HOLD the
button and TAP
. Jitter takes
advantage of a glitch in most COD games allowing for faster firing of just about all
weapons including shotguns and 3-Round burst weapons. Jitter has 3 sub modes.
Sub Mode 1 = XYY Jitter (fast)
Sub Mode 2 = XYY Jitter (Slow)
Sub Mode 3 = YY Jitter
Jump Shot
To activate/deactivate jump shot HOLD
and TAP
. With jump shot you will
jump automatically as soon as you start to fire. Jump shot has 4 sub modes.
Sub Mode 1 = Jump only once
Sub Mode 2 = Continuous Jumping (Slow Jump Speed)
Sub Mode 3 = Continuous Jumping (Medium Jump Speed)
Sub Mode 4 = Continuous Jumping (Fast Jump Speed)
Automatic Sniper Breath
To activate/deactivate auto sniper breath HOLD in the
. With Auto sniper breath activated the mod will press and
hold the left thumstick automatically when you aim down the sights.
Pg. 4
Jitter currently does not work with Ghosts
but has been left in for Future COD games.