V•mA•kOhm = max. 200 V or 200 mA or 200 k
V•kOhm = max. 1000 VDC or 750 VACrms or 2000 k
V•MOhm = max. 20 A or 20 M
e 3
20 A socket
For DC or AC current measurements up to 20 A max., connect the red measuring
lead to this socket.
When measuring current, the operating mode switch must never
be set to voltage measurement (mV or V).
e 4 mA socket
For DC or AC current measurements up to 200 A max., the red measuring lead must
be connected to this socket, if the operating mode switch (8) is set to 2 m or 200 m
for DC current (DCA) (or 2 m or 200 m for AC current (ACA)).
e 5 COM ( = common socket)
For all measurements except transistor parameter measurements, connect the black
measuring lead to this socket (common socket signifies minus or “-” or ground
e 6 V/Ohm socket
If you wish to make voltage or frequency measurements, continuity checks or logic
level measurements, connect the red measuring lead to this socket.
f) Details of display and display codes
f 1 Digital display
Both the main display and subdisplays (small displays located in a vertical row on the
right side of the main display) can display values up to “19999”. Polarity (-) is auto-
matically displayed (in the case of negative voltages or reversed polarity). Decimals
are indicated with four digits after the comma.
f 2 Analog bar graph
The analog bar graph consists of 43 segments and has a faster measuring speed
than the digital display. This allows easier identification of trends in the measurement
values, similar to an analog multimeter, but without the mechanical disadvantages
(damping of the measuring mechanism). If the measurement range is exceeded,
“OL” (for overload) is displayed. The display flashes and there is a warning beep (no
beep for resistance measurements and diode test).
Press either of these buttons to set a reference value in the subfunctions REL or
CMP (or to call up stored values (reference numbers) in the subfunctions MEM or
RCL (Recall Memory).
e) How sockets are connected
e1 Transistor header socket hFE
The 8-pin transistor header includes a symmetry coding. Fit the non-live transistor
connectors B(ase), E(mitter) and C(ollector) in the header socket as shown. For the
pin assignment of different transistors, refer to a transistor comparison book.
e 2 Button clusters “FUNCTION” and “RANGE”
Never under any circumstances should you adjust button settings
while an object under test is connected: this can lead to irrepara-
ble damage to your measuring device and is, with voltages in
excess of 25 VACrms (35 VDC), a potentially lethal hazard.
“FUNCTION”: Here are grouped, from left to right, the various measurement func-
tions, selectable by pressing the buttons (pressing one button locks the others):
DC V = DC voltage (5 ranges)
AC V = AC voltage (5 ranges)
OHM = Resistance measurement (6 ranges. Switch 10 for 20 MW)
= DC current (5 ranges “2 to 10”)
= AC current (5 ranges “2 to 10”)
= Diode test and continuity check (1 range)
= Measurement of hFE-parameter of transistors
FREQ = Frequency measurement (automatic switching between ranges,
no manual switching available)
LOGIC = Logic level measurement of digital circuits, TTL or CMOS
“RANGE”: From left to right, the various measurement ranges selectable by pressing
the buttons (pressing one button locks the others):
mV•Ohm = max. 200 mV or
V•mA•kOhm = max. 2 V or 2 mA or 2 k
V•mA•kOhm = max. 20 V or 20 mA or 20 k