8. Assembly
a) Assembling the radio camera
Assembly of your camera at a glance:
Do not tighten the radio antenna too tight.
b) Attach the support at the installation location
A suitable installation location for this radio camera has the following features:
• vibration-free
• no direct sunlight
Select a place for mounting which is not shielded by, for example, reinforced
concrete walls, steamed up mirrors, metal shelves etc. There should be no de-
vices with strong electrical fields, such as mobile telephones, radios or electrical
motors, close to the radio transmitter and/or radio receiver. This may interfere
with radio transmission or restrict the range. Heat sources may also lead to
malfunctioning or defects.
Do not point the camera directly toward bright sunlight or toward strong or direct
light sources as this may lead to overexposure.