6.7 USB 2.0 EHCI Host Controller Support
The 8 USB ports are shared between an EHCI host controller and the 4 UHCI host
controllers. Only 6 (USB ports 0-5) of the available 8 USB ports and only 3 (UHCI 0-2)
of the available 4 UHCI host controllers are supported on the conga-X945.
Within the EHC functionality there is a port-routing logic that executes the mixing
between the two different types of host controllers (EHCI and UHCI). This means that
when a USB device is connected the routing logic determines who owns the port. If the
device is not USB 2.0 compliant, or if the software drivers for EHCI support are not
installed, then the UHCI controller owns the ports.
Routing Diagram:
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