A C C O R A L T D T E L : 0 1 2 2 3 2 0 6 1 0 0 W E B : W W W . C O N F I G U R A . U K . C O M
A chair can be a source of infection and we recommend
that you clean it regularly.
Before cleaning the chair unplug the mains cable from
the socket.
Avoid spillage of liquids while cleaning the product.
Fully check the functionality of the chair after it has
been cleaned.
Cleaning Instructions
When cleaning the chair, use protective clothing such as gloves and
aprons. Infection could be transmitted from user to user if the chair is
reused, or from user to carer or cleaner.
After the chair has been cleaned, fully check for functionality. Place the
chair on a flat surface and apply the castor brakes (Comfort 1 only). Plug
in the mains cable and adjust the chair to an upright position. Check that
the backrest fully reclines and returns to the upright position (Comfort 1
only). Tilt the chair to its maximum, and return to the riser position. Adjust
the chair again to the upright position. The chair is ready for use if all the
movements are smooth and no abnormalities are detected.
Metal Frame
Remove the dust with a dry cloth. For deeper cleaning, use a damp cloth
with, if necessary, a soapy water solution and wipe clean. Avoid spillage of
liquids on the electrical system of the chair.
For extreme soiling control only, use a 5% Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach)
solution. Do not use solvents or acid based cleaners.