Conceptronic Wireless 54Mbps USB Adapter
Configuring the WLAN Adapter in Windows XP
Setting Up a Connection
Windows XP contains support for the management of Wireless LAN cards
such as your new C54RU. The WLAN Utility supplied with your USB adapter are
intended for previous versions of Windows and do not have to be installed if you
are using Windows XP.
The first step in configuring your C54RU WLAN USB adapter for Windows XP is to
determine which Wireless Access Point you want to connect to. To open the
Connect to Wireless Network dialog box, double-click the LAN Connection icon in
the Task Tray (the icon looks like two computers sitting one in front of the other).
Windows XP will use your USB adapter to scan the local area for networks. The
local networks it detects are displayed by their SSID. In the case above, the USB
adapter is to connect to the network with the
SSID “tld3-504w”. You can click the Connect button to accept the default
connection or click the Advanced button to modify the default settings.
In most cases
especially in wireless networks that do not use Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) encryption, this is all that is required to gain network access.
Selecting a Wireless Network
If your network is using WEP, or if you need to modify the default settings for your
USB adapter, click the Advanced button to display the Wireless Network
Connection Properties dialog box, as shown below