Concept2 VF3050 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 41








The manufacturer (or importer) is responsible for 

ensuring the product complies with the requirements 

of applicable legal regulations as well as those of 

the relevant technical standards. Moreover, they are 

responsible for ensuring the product has the properties 

the manufacturer described in documents related to the 

goods or those reasonably expected by the customer 

with regard to the nature of the goods or based on 

advertising produced by the manufacturer, and further 

they are responsible for ensuring the product is fit for 

the purpose proposed by the manufacturer or that 

a product of the same type is normally used for.

The quality warranty term is 24 months from product 

takeover by the customer.

The warranty does not apply to wear and tear caused by 

regular use. The customer shall not be entitled to any 

warranty claims if, prior to taking the product over, they 

knew the product contained a defect or if the defect is 

attributable to the customer.

The warranty specifically does not apply:


if the product installation, operation and service 

conditions stipulated in the product operating 

manual have not been adhered to,


to malfunctions caused due to mechanical, heat 

or chemical damage, short circuit, over voltage or 

incorrect installation,


to malfunctions caused by an inexpert third-party 



to malfunctions caused by natural disaster,


to malfunctions caused by insufficient or inappropriate 

maintenance in violation of the operating manual, 

including malfunctions caused by water and other 



to changes in colour of the heating surface or to 

scratching of the surface caused as a result of using 

the products in an unusual manner,


to appearance and functional changes caused by 

exposure to sunlight, thermal radiation of water and 

other sediments,


if the service life of certain product parts expires, e.g. 

for accumulators, bulbs, etc.

The warranty does not apply to any products and 

services provided along with the product (gifts, 

promotional articles, etc.).

Filing a complaint

A complaint against a product defect must be filed as 

soon as identified, yet no later than before the end of 

the warranty term.

The customer must file a product complaint with the 

dealer from which they have purchased the product, 

or with any authorised service centre, a list of which is 

included in the product package, or available at www.

While filing a product complaint, the product must be 

duly cleaned and securely packed so as to prevent any 

damage during its transport to an authorised service 

centre, where relevant, unless the product is delivered 

in person.

The customer must submit proof of having concluded 

a purchase contract for the product by producing the 


While filing their complaint, the customer must 

indicate the noted defect and identify the preferred 

complaint application method.

Complaints processing

As long as the noted defect may be removed, the user 

has the right to have the defect duly removed free of 

charge on a timely basis.

Where such a procedure is not reasonable with regard 

to the nature of the defect, the user may require to be 

supplied a new defect-free product (replacement), 

or, where the defect applies to a part of the product 

only, replacement of the part concerned. However, if 

replacement of the product or any part thereof is not 

proportionate with regard to the nature of the defect, 

especially if the defect can be removed without undue 

delay, the customer has the right to have the defect 

removed free of charge.


If the noted defect is not removable, or if the customer 

becomes entitled to replacement of the product or 

a part thereof, yet the replacement is not possible, 

for example due to the product having been sold 

out, the customer has the right to return the product 

(withdrawal from the contract).

The customer shall have the right to a new product 

(replacement) or to replacement of a part of the product 

even if the defect can be removed, provided they cannot 

properly use the product due to repeated occurrence of 

the defect or due to a high number of such defects. In 

such a case, the customer also has the right to return the 

product (by withdrawing from the contract).

If the product is not returned (the customer does 

not withdraw from the contract), or if the customer 

does not apply the right to a new defect-free product 

(replacement), to replacement of a part thereof or to 

repair of the product, they may request a reasonable 

discount. The customer also has a right to a reasonable 

discount if a new defect-free product cannot be 

supplied to them, or if a product part cannot be replaced 

or the product repaired unless the situation is remedied 

within a reasonable time limit, or if remedying the 

situation would create major discomfort on the part of 

the customer.

The seller, authorised service centre or a staff 

member authorised by them must decide about each 

complaint immediately or within three business days 

in complicated cases. This term does not include 

a reasonable period of time, depending on the type of 

product concerned,

required for the defect to be assessed by an expert. 

A complaint, including defect removal, must be dealt 

with without any undue delay, yet no later than within 

30 calendar days of the complaint filing date, unless 

the seller and the customer agree on a later deadline.

On returning the product (withdrawing from the 

contract) the customer must return any accessories 

and documents supplied along with the product.

The customer does not have the right to keep the 

defective parts and components of the product 

replaced as part of a repair of the product.

This shall be without prejudice to any other rights the 

customer may have in relation to the purchase of the 



: Complaints against products damaged in 

transport are governed by the carrier’s complaints 



Jindřich Valenta - Concept 

Vysokomýtská 1800, 565 01 Choceň 

Czech Republic

tel.: +420 465 471 400

fax +420 465 473 304

Company ID No. 13216660 

email: [email protected] 


Product data


Production number:

Date of purchase:

Seal and signature of vendor:

Содержание VF3050

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Страница 18: ...t any metal objects into the appliance Do not put excessively large pieces of food in the appliance The appliance is only suitable for home use and is not intended for commercial use When unplugging the appliance from the wall outlet make sure the appliance has been turned off bread lowering lever in the upper position then disconnect the plug from the wall outlet Do not touch the appliance with w...

Страница 19: ...face of the waffle maker using only a slightly damp cloth and ensure that no water grease or oil enter the cooling openings Do not clean the inner and outer parts with a rough sponge or a pot scourer as it may damage the surfaces SERVICE Extensive maintenance or repair which requires access to internal parts of the product has to be performed by a qualified specialist or the service centre ENVIRON...

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Страница 24: ...r en contact avec l élément chauffant et s enflammer Ne jamais insérer les pièces métalliques Ne pas placer à l intérieur de l appareil de gros morceaux de pain L appareil est exclusivement destiné à un usage domestique il n est pas prévu à des fins commerciales Avant de débrancher l appareil s assurer que l appareil ait refroidi poignée de manipulation en position supérieure ensuite débrancher la...

Страница 25: ...oux Nettoyer la surface de l appareil avec un chiffon humide en évitant que de l eau de la graisse ou de l huile entre à l intérieur Ne pas nettoyer les parties intérieures et extérieures avec une éponge abrasive ou métallique pour éviter tout endommagement ENTRETIEN Les opérations de maintenance ou les réparations de plus grande étendue nécessitant une intervention sur les composantes internes de...

Страница 26: ... riportati sull etichetta del prodotto Attenzione dopo l uso l apparecchio rimane caldo ancora per un certo tempo anche se spento Non toccare quindi le superfici calde Utilizzare il manico e i pulsanti Si corre il rischio delle scottature Non pulire né coprire l apparecchio prima che questo sia completamente raffreddato Non posare l apparecchio sui lati durante l uso Non lasciare l apparecchio inc...

Страница 27: ...endere fuoco Non inserire nell apparecchio gli oggetti in metallo Non mettere dentro l apparecchio i pezzi da tostare troppo grossi L apparecchio di vostro possesso è adatto solo per uso domestico non per uso commerciale Quando si stacca l apparecchio dalla presa di corrente avere cura che l apparecchio sia spento la levetta di rilascio pane è in posizione alta solo dopo estrarre la spina dalla pr...

Страница 28: ...e i bordi delle griglie con un tovagliolo di carta o con un panno morbido Pulire la parte esterna del waffle maker con panno umido in modo da non far entrare l acqua grassi e o olio nelle fessure di ventilazione Non utilizzare mai paglia di ferro né spugna ruvida per pulire l apparecchio ASSISTENZA La manutenzione più impegnativa e o la riparazione che richiede l intervento sulle parti interne del...

Страница 29: ...ionamiento y por cierto tiempo luego de ser apagado No toque las superficies calientes Utilice el mango y los botones Riesgo de quemaduras No limpie guarde o cubra el artefacto hasta que se haya enfriado completamente No vuelque el artefacto mientras está funcionando No deje el artefacto desatendido si está encendido o conectado a un tomacorriente Nunca mueva el artefacto si está funcionando o cal...

Страница 30: ...os metálicos en el artefacto No ponga en el artefacto alimentos demasiado grandes El artefacto está destinado únicamente para uso hogareño no está destinado para uso comercial Antes de desenchufar el artefacto vea que esté apagado la palanca para hacer saltar el pan en posición superior No toque el artefacto con las manos mojadas o húmedas No sumerja el cable el enchufe o el artefacto en agua u ot...

Страница 31: ...evitar que ingrese agua grasa o aceite en las aperturas de refrigeración No limpie el interior o el exterior del artefacto con una esponja áspera o un estropajo metálico SERVICIO El mantenimiento de carácter más amplio o las reparaciones que requieran intervenir en las piezas internas del producto deben ser realizados por un servicio profesional PROTECCIÓN AL MEDIO AMBIENTE Dé preferencia al recic...

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Страница 33: ...zit și să se aprindă A nu se introduce în aparat corpuri metalice A nu se introduce în aparat bucăți prea mari de alimente Aparatul este destinat doar utilizării casnice nu este destinat uzului comercial La deconectarea aparatului de la priza electrică aveți grijă ca aparatul să fie oprit pârghia de coborâre a pâinii este în poziția de sus după aceasta scoateți ștecărul din priza de curent Nu atin...

Страница 34: ...țile interioare și muchiile grilajului cu un șervet din hârtie sau cu o cârpă moale Suprafața aparatului de făcut vafe ștergeți doar cu o lavetă umedă în așa fel încât apa grăsimile sau uleiul să nu intre în fantele de răcire Părțile interioare și exterioare a nu se curăța cu un burete dur și nici cu spălător de sârmă ar putea să se ajungă la deteriorare SERVICE Întreținerea cu caracter mai amplu ...

Страница 35: ...ručné podmienky Karta gwarancyjna HU Garanciális feltételek LV EN DE Garantijas talons Warranty Certificate Garantiebedingungen FR Conditions de garantie IT Condizioni di garanzia ES Condiciones de garantía RO Condiții de garanție ...

Страница 36: ...ního nároku Vyřízení reklamace Jedná li se o odstranitelnou vadu má spotřebitel právo na bezplatné včasné a řádné odstranění vady Není li to vzhledem k povaze vady neúměrné může spotřebitelpožadovatdodánínovéhovýrobkubezvad výměnu nebo týká li se vada jen součásti výrobku výměnu takové součásti Je li však požadavek na výměnu výrobku nebo jeho součásti vzhledem kpovazevadyneúměrný zejménalze livadu...

Страница 37: ...tné včasné a riadne odstránenie vady Ak to nie je vzhľadom k povahe vady neúmerné môže spotrebiteľ požadovať dodanie nového výrobku bez vád výmenu alebo ak sa týka vada len súčasti výrobku výmenu takej súčasti Ak je však požiadavka na výmenu výrobku alebo jeho súčasti vzhľadom k povahe vady neúmerná najmä ak je možné vadu odstrániť bez zbytočného odkladu má spotrebiteľ právo na bezplatné odstránen...

Страница 38: ... i właściwego usunięcia wady W przypadku wystąpienia istotnej wady dla funkcjonowania produktu konsument może żądać dostarczenia nowego produktu bez wad wymiana lub jeśli dotyczy to tylko elementu produktu wymianę takiego elementu Jednakże jeżeli możliwe jest usunięcie wady bez zbędnej zwłoki żądanie wymiany produktu lub jego części z uwagi na charakter wady nie ma zastosowania a konsument ma praw...

Страница 39: ...lázza a reklamáció jogosultságának kivizsgálásával valamint megoldásával kapcsolatos elengedhetetlen költségeket A termék díjmentes javítására ill a termék visszaváltására való jog nem érvényesíthető az alábbi esetekben ha a termék használati utasításában feltüntetett telepítési üzemeltetési és kezelési feltételeket nem tartották be ha a meghibásodás mechanikai hő vagy vegyi sérülés miatt rövidzár...

Страница 40: radušies noskaidrojot sūdzības pamatojumu Tiesības uz izstrādājuma bezmaksas labošanu respektīvi izstrādājuma atdošanu nav iespējams izmantot šādos gadījumos ja nav tikuši ievēroti instalācijas ekspluatācijas vai apkalpes nosacījumi kas ir norādīti izstrādājuma lietošanas instrukcijā ja bojājums ir radies mehāniskas termiskas vai ķīmiskas iedarbības īssavienojuma vai elektrotīkla pārsprieguma r...

Страница 41: ...the right to have the defect duly removed free of charge on a timely basis Where such a procedure is not reasonable with regard to the nature of the defect the user may require to be supplied a new defect free product replacement or where the defect applies to a part of the product only replacement of the part concerned However if replacement of the product or any part thereof is not proportionate...

Страница 42: ...onsverfahren Kann der reklamierte Mangel beseitigt werden hat der Verbraucher das Recht auf eine kostenlose zeit und ordnungsgemäße Beseitigung des Mangels Sofern dies im Hinblick auf den Charakter des Mangels nicht unangemessen ist kann der Verbraucher die Lieferung einer neuen mangelfreien Sache oder die Lieferung der fehlenden Sache fordern Austausch Kann der Mangel jedoch ohne unnötige Verzöge...

Страница 43: ...prévu Si cela n est pas disproportionné en tenant compte la nature du défaut le consommateur a le droit de demander une livraison d un nouveau produit sans vice remplacement ou si le défaut ne concerne qu une partie du produit demander le changement de cette dernière Si la demande du remplacement du produit et de sa partie est disproportionnée en tenant compte la nature du défaut notamment si le d...

Страница 44: natura del difetto non si tratta di una pretesa inadeguata l utente può richiedere la fornitura di un prodotto privo dei difetti la sostituzione oppure se il difetto interessa solo un elemento concreto del prodotto la sostituzione di tale elemento Se però considerata la natura del difetto la pretesa della sostituzione risulta inadeguata in particolare se il difetto può essere eliminato in tempi...

Страница 45: ... apropiada De no ser desproporcionado a la naturaleza del defecto el consumidor podrá exigir la entrega de un nuevo producto sin defectos reemplazo o si el defecto se relacionase a un componente del producto podrá exigir el reemplazo de dicho componente Sin embargo si el reemplazo del producto o su componente fuese desproporcionado a la naturaleza del defecto en especial si el defecto pudiese ser ...

Страница 46: poate fi eliminată consumatorul are dreptul la eliminarea gratuită la timp și reglementară a defecțiunii Dacă acest lucru nu este posibil ținând cont de natura defecțiunii consumatorul poate solicita livrarea unui produs nou fără defecțiuni schimb sau dacă defecțiunea este legată doar de o piesă a produsului schimbul unei astfel de piese Dacă însă având în vedere natura defecțiunii mai ales cân...

Страница 47: s r o Južná trieda 48 D 040 01 Košice 055 6338501 tvaservis tvaservis sk VILLA MARKET s r o Odborárov 49 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves 053 4421857 servis villamarket sk ELSPO BB s r o Internátna 2318 24 974 01 Banská Bystrica 048 4135535 objednavky elektroobchod elspo sk Polska Nazwa Ulica Kod Miasto Telefon E mail CONCEPT POLSKA sp z o o Ostrowskiego 30 53 238 WROCŁAW 071 339 04 44 w 27 serwis my co...

Страница 48: ......

Страница 49: ...oclaw Tel 48 713 390 444 Fax 713 390 414 www my concept pl HU ASPICO KFT H 9027 Győr Hűtőház u 25 Tel 36 96 511 291 Fax 36 96 511 293 info aspico hu LV Verners VT Ltd Piedrujas iela 5a Riga Latvia Tel 371 67021021 fakss 371 67021000 e pasts info verners lv www verners lv HR Horvat elektronika d o o Dravska 8 HR 40305 Pušćine servis horvat elektronika hr Hotline 385 040 895 500 RO S C DANTE INTERNA...
