Master User:
Only on Master user has authorization to use all features
In order to enable all the functions on the socket, the Mas-
ter user must store his/her mobile number in the socket’s
memory. Only one Master’s mobile number (Master num-
ber) is allowed for a socket.
Family User:
There are four Additional users have authorization to use all the
functions of
except defining the users including add/
delete users, change password, and SMS alerts, notification.
3.1.2 About the SMS Command
• The password must be 6 letters, or digitals, or combi-
nation of them.
• The original password is 1234.
• The limit of digits that are allowed for the phone num-
ber is three to sixteen.
will reply to the user after it receives the
SMS command.
- The # symbol must NOT be ignored when typing an
SMS command.
- No allow any space within the commands.
3.1.3 Add a master number to the socket
is being used for the first time, or
been reset to factory settings, the Master user’s number
must be programmed into the socket.
The user must edit and send the following SMS to socket
via his/her mobile phone (the phone number will be the
Master number) in order to:
Add a master number to the socket
Successful SMS reply
Welcome. Registration is successful.
New Password is: 1234
Time is: 2012/12/14 15:27
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