If a printer is fitted in conjunction with the Compuload CL2000 MKII
weighing system, a docket can be produced whilst loading.
To get the printer to print, before loading press the “PRINTER”
button once.
There will be 3 x buttons available
1. PRINTER ON- Whilst loading, the printer will print out the
Time and Date, each bucket load and bucket number. When
the “CLEAR” button is pressed for 3 seconds at the end of a
load, the docket will finalise and print out a Total.
– Whilst loading, the printer will not print out.
3. PRINTER COPY - Whilst loading, the printer will print out the
Time and Date, each bucket load and bucket number. When
the “CLEAR” button is pressed for 3 seconds at the end of a
load, the docket will finalise and print out a Total. After this
the CL2000MKII will then ask if a COPY is required. Press
“YES” for a copy.