Rev.01 03-27-17
Page 47 of 67
the parameters recalled with the “Pushbutton” cannot be modified and must not
be confused with the values that are modifiable by the user. For a complete description of
all the parameters that can be set, consult the factory for user manual.
Web server
The web server included in the pCOWeb is “thttpd”, compliant with the HTTP 1.1 specifications,
and is used to display HTML pages directly on the Internet browser. A client application can
thus control and monitor the controller controller that the pCOWeb board is installed on from a
remote location.
The HTML pages can be easily created and downloaded to the pCOWeb by the end user with
any FTP client. Common programs can be used to create the custom HTML pages (e.g.
Macromedia® Dreamweaver™ or Microsoft® FrontPage™) and download them to the pCOWeb
via FTP client such as SmartFTP™ (
Accessing the operating system by authentication
The system can be accessed via a telnet terminal or via FTP. Authentication with user name and
password is required for each access. The following users are registered.
User Name
Default Password
administrator of the operating
no limitation
web administrator
R/W access to the http
directory; read-only to
the other directories.
Table 8 - PCOWeb passwords
The password can be modified by accessing the administrator page. The password recalled with
the “Pushbutton”
function will not be modified and must not be confused with the passwords
that are modifiable by the user. This page can also be used to set the access restrictions for each
of the various directories in the http tree. Consequently, connecting via FTP and logging in as
the web administrator, as follows will access the pCOWeb user file system
username= httpadmin;
password= fhttpadmin (note “f” as in “factory” as the first letter).
The customized pages should be saved in the following directory: /usr/local/root/flash/http.
The pages downloaded to the pCOWeb must have the correct properties and be
able to be displayed with a browser; setting these attributes correctly via FTP is quite
difficult, and consequently the “auto
set attributes” f
unction is available in the
administrator pages. To activate this function, simply click the “Adjust HTML pages
attributes” link; it is recommended to do this whenever modifying one or more HTML