Standard Condensate Drain
User Manual v1
Step 3
Switch off the electrical supply and remove the top power connector by
unscrewing the top connector screw. Make sure the display is off to check if
the power supply is successfully disconnected.
Step 4
Open the housing by unscrewing the four housing bolts using a 5mm Allen
key and remove the top part from the reservoir.
Step 5
Slide the electronics compartment up and unscrew the valve from the bottom
part of the housing using a 23mm wrench.
: make sure the electronics compartment does not get wet, this will
damage the unit!
Step 6
Clean all valve parts thoroughly. Make sure there’s no debris left in the other
parts of the drain.
Step 7
Use a 10mm Allen key to remove the plug and strainer. Clean the strainer
Replace the strainer and plug, using a 10mm Allen key.