of Gravity. In this set-up it was fixed next to the
speed controller, and this gave a C of G at the
nose-heavy end of the range - fine for first
flights. The complete plane, ready-to-fly with the
Plettenberg, LongGo flight pack, future speed
controller & separate Rx Nicad weighed 4.7kg.
Plettenberg recommend a APC 18 x12E or 19
x12E prop for this motor, and this certainly per-
formed fine with the set-up shown.
Flight Battery Support
The batteries are supported on a pair of 10mm
Ø carbon tubes (included in the E-option pack),
glued across the fuselage to suit your battery
position. Make a platform on the carbon tubes
from the supplied foam-board, with plenty of
holes for cooling airflow, and access to the 4
landing gear bolts. Use the Velcro strips to retain
the battery for flight. A few 10 x10mm balsa
blocks glued to the foam-board locate the bat-
tery exactly and prevent it moving forward, back-
wards or sideways during flight.
Don’t forget to protect
bare car-
bon or fibreglass edges with a piece of silicone
tube, split with a knife and glued in place with
CA. This is
very important
as any wires or insu-
lating material rubbing on the edges of compos-
ites will be cut thru’ in 1 flight - which can cause
a dangerous short circuit.
Depending on your choice of motor, battery and
speed controller you
make provision for
enough cooling to all these components during
flight. All 3 components will get warm during use,
but must not get too hot to prevent damage and
possible damage or fire.
This is
most important
, and if this is your 1st
electric model we
recommend that you
follow the advice of the manufacturers, and this instruction
manual. Different power unit and battery combinations will
operate at different temperatures in different ambient climates,
so it is not possible to give you the exact areas and positions
of the cooling required for every set-up. However, the cooling
cut-outs and cowling baffle shown in the photos here, with the
(65 x 50mm) air exit in the bottom of the fuselage, have worked
well with the Plettenberg installation. For the Hacker/Thunder
Power set-up you should allow a bit more exit area to prevent
heat build-up as it does run a bit warmer than the Plettenberg.
Composite-ARF IMPACT