ance for the 3 bolts that secure the motor to the
2mm thick carbon plate. Don’t forget to add a
drop of Loctite on
these mounting bolts !
Small thrustline adjustments can be made after
trimming flights by adding additional washers
between the carbon washers and the bulkhead.
that the bulkhead supplied in the E-Option
pack has been extended below the line of the
cowling. This because the Plettenberg set-up is
quite lightweight, and in some cases may need
the Flight batteries to be positioned directly
underneath the motor to achieve the correct
Centre of Gravity, depending on what other
equipment you install. You can use this bulk-
head extension to support some carbon tubes
for the battery mount if you need to position it
here - otherwise just cut it off flush with the bot-
tom of the fuselage and discard it. However, with
the set-up shown here, the batteries could be fit-
ted behind the motor without any C of G issues.
The Flight batteries (Emcotec LongGo LiPo's
10S2P 4000 mAH) were mounted in a similar
way as for the Hacker, with a small piece of
foam-board glued onto the carbon tubes, which
are glued to the fuselage sides and reinforced
with the milled carbon/ply rings supplied. The
battery pack is retained with Velcro straps pro-
vided in the E-option pack.
The speed controller used with the Plettenberg
was a Schulze ‘Future 32.55’, which is a very
nice lightweight unit, but has short connecting
wires to the batteries, and the motor wires must
be plugged directly into it without extending
them. Therefore it has to be mounted on a small
foam-board plate immediately behind the motor,
using Velcro. Make sure that sufficient cooling
air is directed to the cooling plate (heat sink) of
the speed controller in this location.
The connections to the LiPo cells are made at
the front of the battery (access thru’ the cowl).
We made a simple external ‘arming’ system
using a couple of 4mm gold connectors, so that
the battery is not connected to anything until a
short cable is used to join these 2 contacts on
the outside of the plane.
We used a separate Rx Nicad (5 cells of
600mAH), positioned as needed for the Centre
Composite-ARF IMPACT