Selects detailed records associated with task calls originating from the client
node(s) specified. The node-identifier can be a DECnet node name, TCP/IP
address, or a list of same. If you specify a list, separate the identifiers with
commas and enclose the list within parentheses. If you specify a single
identifier, you do not need the comma and parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild
card character is permitted in node identifiers. If you do not specify /NODE,
records for all nodes are selected unless you set default node(s) with the SET
Specifying /NODE with the LIST command overrides any default nodes that
you may have set. Specifying /NODE=* with the LIST command specifies that
records for all nodes are to be selected, overriding any defaults that you may
have set.
Directs the report to a file. The file specification must be a valid OpenVMS
file specification. Displaying the report on the screen is the default, unless you
specify the /OUTPUT qualifier with the SET command. Specifying /OUTPUT=*
with the LIST command, displays any reports on the screen, overriding any
defaults that may be set.
Selects detailed records that were written on or after the date and time
specified. The date-time specification is optional. If you omit it, the records
written on the current date are selected. Specify the date and time in the
OpenVMS format, dd-mmm-yyyy:hh:mm:ss.
Specifies that a summary report, omitting details, be written. The default is
a detailed report containing all calls be written. You can set your own default
with the SET command. Summary reports show totals of the uncompressed
workspace sizes, the compressed workspace sizes, and the number of bytes
saved by data compression.
Selects detailed records associated with ACMS task calls for the task name(s)
specified, including any exchange steps associated with the task calls. The
task-name specification can be a valid ACMS task name or a list of task names.
If you specify a list, separate the names with a comma and enclose the list
within parentheses. You can use the asterisk (*) wild-card character in the
task-name specification. If you do not specify the /TASK qualifier, records
for all tasks are selected, unless you have specified another default with the
SET command. If you specify /TASK=* with the LIST command, records for
Data Compression Monitor Commands 6–5