6.3 LIST
This command generates a report, which you can display on the screen or write
to a file.
LIST [/qualifier]
Allows you to select detailed records associated with the application(s)
specified. The application specification can be an ACMS application name
or a list of application names. If you specify a list, separate the names with
a comma and enclose the list within parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild card
character is permitted in application name specifications. If you do not specify
/APPLICATION, records for all applications are selected unless you set default
application(s) with the SET command.
Specifying /APPLICATION with the LIST command overrides any default
applications that you previously set. Specifying /APPLICATION=* on the LIST
command selects records for all applications, overriding any defaults that are
Selects detailed records that were written before the date and time specified.
The date-time specification is optional. If you omit it, records written earlier
than the current date are selected. Specify date and time in the OpenVMS
standard format dd-mmm-yyyy:hh-mm-ss.
Specifies that the report should contain details of all calls. This is the default,
unless you specify /SUMMARY in the SET command. Specifying /DETAILS
with the LIST command overrides SET/SUMMARY.
Specifies a source file from which records for the report are to be read. If you
do not specify a source file, the latest version of SYS$ERRORLOG:
ACMSDI$COMPRESSION.LOG is used, unless you have previously specified
a default input file using the SET command. To override a default input file
setting, use /INPUT=* on the LIST command.
6–4 Data Compression Monitor Commands