White Paper
January 2000
Prepared by:
Industry Standard Server Division
Compaq Computer Corporation
What Is NMI Crash Dump ........... 3
Compaq Automatic Server
Recovery (ASR) ........................ 4
Initiating a NMI Crash Dump
Under NetWare............................ 6
Initiating a NMI Crash Dump
Under SCO OpenServer 5
and SCO UnixWare 7 .................. 6
How to Set Up NMI Crash
Dump Under Windows NT 4.0.... 7
Microsoft Software .................... 7
Compaq Software ..................... 8
How to Set Up NMI Crash
Dump Under Windows 2000 ...... 8
Microsoft Software (subject
to change) ................................. 8
Compaq Software (subject to
change) ..................................... 9
Where Is the Crash Dump
Button located? ........................ 10
ProLiant 8000.......................... 10
ProLiant 8500.......................... 11
Compaq ProLiant Server NMI
Crash Dump Feature
This document provides a description of the Compaq
ProLiant Class Computer Systems implementation of NMI-based
Crash Dump facilities. This facility can be beneficial to system
administrators in their root cause failure analysis.
NMI Crash Dump allows customers to obtain critical diagnostic
information in the event of system lock-ups and other failures. Both
user-initiated and automatic crash dump support is presented.