Writer: Marianne Silvetti Saved by: Marianne Silvetti Saved date: 06/15/98 5:31 PM
Pages: 23 Words: 4300 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\working\comm.dot
File Name Bk1ap_en.doc Part Number 307809-001
The Overscan and Degauss selections do not
display menus. When you select Overscan, the choices are to
turn it on or off. When you select Degauss, the monitor corrects
color impurities on the screen. The monitor screen
automatically degausses when the monitor is turned on.
Highlight your choice and select Save and Return, or to
advance to the third level menu, highlight your choice and
press the Select button. To void any changes made, select
Cancel instead of Save and Return.
The third level displays a sizing window for adjusting the
selected function. To adjust, press the Minus button to
decrease the degree of adjustment, or press the Plus button
to increase the degree of adjustment.
Press the Select button after the adjustment is made.
Selections under the Management Menu, Power
Saver and Mode Display, turn on and off at the third level. The
Serial No. selection displays the monitor serial number at the
third level.
To save the new adjustment, select Save and Return and
press the Select button.
9. Select
Exit from the Main Menu and press the Select
button again to exit the on-screen display.
Until an actual change is made in a third level display, the
Save and Return control is inactive.
Selecting Cancel exits the on-screen display without saving the
new adjustments.