Server Configuration and Utilities
Compaq Confidential – Need to Know Required
Donna Hollas
Compaq ProLiant ML330 Setup and Installation Guide
Part Number:
File Name:
f-ch5 Server Configuration and Utilities.doc
Last Saved On:
1/17/00 4:23 PM
The File Menu
The File menu is used for saving and restoring configurations, and exiting the
utility. The following is a list of selections found in this menu with an
explanation of each option:
Save to Floppy
Save to Floppy
Save to Floppy
Save to Floppy creates a backup image of the current system configuration on
an unformatted 1.44-MB diskette in the diskette drive. This process is set up to
archive current configuration settings and to overwrite any data previously
saved on the diskette.
All data on the diskette is overwritten during this process.
Restore from Floppy
Restore from Floppy
Restore from Floppy
Restore from Floppy reads a backup image of the current system configuration
from a 1.44-MB diskette in the diskette drive and stores the configuration in
the system. This can be used to restore the system to an archived
Set Defaults and Exit
Set Defaults and Exit
Set Defaults and Exit
Set Defaults and Exit restores default configuration values for the system. This
option can be used if the system has been incorrectly configured.
Ignore Changes and Exit
Ignore Changes and Exit
Ignore Changes and Exit
Ignore Changes and Exit terminates the setup utility without storing any
changes that have been made during the current BIOS setup session.
Save Changes and Exit
Save Changes and Exit
Save Changes and Exit
Save Changes and Exit stores the current configuration selections.