SMB Mode - AMT Setup and Configuration Steps
When going through the options in the MEBx for the first time (Factory phase), the default settings are in
place. This white paper details HP-recommended settings for options, some of which may be the same as
the default selection. Even though the default setting is set and used for certain options, it is good practice
to double-check important options.
during POST to enter Manageability Engine BIOS Extension (MEBx) Setup. You can dis-
play this option only during POST if set in F10-Setup.
Figure 1
Intel MEBx Password Screen
Type the default password, which is
. Passwords are case-sensitive.
: You must change the default password before making changes to the MEBx options.
Change the MEBx password. The new password must meet the Strong Password criteria defined in
the Password Guidelines Section. Type the password twice for verification.
Change the password to establish AMT ownership. The system will go from Factory phase to In-Setup
phase. The ME and AMT options within the MEBx are accessible and you can access the system
using the AMT WebGUI.
Select the Intel ME Platform Configuration. A window displays indicating that the system resets after