Precautions if Using Generator Power
Compac Industries Ltd.
Page 10
Electrical Preparation
The ComTank control unit requires its own wiring from the power supply. Power and
communication cables must meet or exceed local regulation requirements.
If no local regulations exist, we recommend as a minimum:
Power: 3 core 2.5 mm
Steel Wire Armour (SWA) cable
Comms (standard current loop): 2 core 1.5 mm
Steel Wire Armour (SWA) cable
The length of the communications cable must not exceed 100 metres.
Precautions if Using Generator Power
The power output from onsite generators can cause power spikes that may damage
electrical components within the cabinet. When connecting to sites powered by
generators, please take the following precautions:
Install a power conditioner. Although generators are fitted with power
regulators, most are not filtered sufficiently for powering sensitive electrical
components. We recommend installing a commercial power conditioner
and/or UPS between the generator and the unit.
Starting up. Before starting a generator, make sure the power to the unit is
turned off.
Start the generator, let the generator reach stable operating speed and wait
30 seconds before reconnecting the power to the unit.
For units where the generator starts and stops on demand, install a delay
timer or PLC to automatically isolate the unit until the operating speed and
consistent power output is achieved.
Isolate the unit before shutting down the generator.