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Operator’s handbook
in front of the machine, keeping it supported on
the side against upper square I (fi g. 34).
then advance the piece to be cut regularly and
without forcing it towards the blade, making sure
to hold it far from the cutting trajectory (fi g. 34).
Always use the piece pusher.
The upper plastic guard M (fi g. 29) is
equipped with an anti-rotation stop to pre-
vent complete overturning.
ATTENTION: greater pressure on the
wood towards the blade while cutting does
not necessarily mean greater cutting speed.
On the contrary it may cause excessive
overloading of the motor and less effi cient
operation. Always use the piece pusher
(fi g. 40) during cutting operations on
the upper surface.
when you fi nish cutting turn off the motor by
pressing button “O” and put the saw-motor arm
in its standby position.
ATTENTION! never remove the accident
prevention protection devices while using
the machine and make sure they are always
in proper working order.
The machine is equipped with a lock which
prevents swinging of the head and locks it in a
lowered position, when you need to work using
the upper surface or if you need to move the
machine (the machine can be easily moved using
the command handle). The machine is delivered
locked in this position (to unlock it see point 5.1).
The saw-motor arm is kept raised in standby
position with a spring.
In standby position (with arm raised) the blade
is completely covered by the lower guard and is
gradually uncovered as it is lowered to cut.
Solo per i modd. ET, JET, SIT sul pianetto su-
periore la lama è completamente coperta da
una protezione che si solleva al passaggio del
materiale da tagliare per poi ricadere richiamata
da un’apposita molla.
Only for models ET, JET, SIT on the upper surface
the blade is completely covered by a guard which
lifts when the material to be cut is passed and
then lowers again triggered by a specifi c spring.
Only for models ET, JET, SIT the machine is
equipped with a separator knife built in steel with
a minimum resistance of 48 Kg/mm2. During the
cut it keeps the material open preventing the
blade from locking.
Only for models. E, JE the machine is equipped
with an “operator present” start button.
Only for models ET, JET, SIT the machine is
equipped with a two position electromagnetic
switch, “I” for start and “O” for stop. In the event
of a power failure both prevent the machine from
suddenly starting when the power is restored.
Only for models ET, JET, SIT the machine is
equipped with an additional lower blade guard to
be mounted when working on the upper surface
(see point 5.3).
The machine is equipped with a locking system
for the saw-motor arm in the standby position
(raised) which prevents the arm from lowering
The machine is equipped with an automatic
braking system for the motor, able to stop blade
rotation in 5-7 seconds.