INS_NW7[E]/M_REV– 06/10/13 PAGE 21
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
graph of the received signal strength over the last 60 seconds.
The box directly to its right shows a real-time graph of the TX-CCQ over the past 60 seconds.
On the right of this section, there are 2 vertical bars. Each bar shows the current received signal
strength of each antenna e.g. -23 dBm, -40 dBm.
Enable Alignment
When enabled, the board would continually emit beeping sounds to indicate the
received signal strength. Every 3 seconds, the board would emit a number of beeps
(1 to 4) in quick succession. The number of beeps is the same as the number of lighted
Signal strength indicator LEDs. See Section " LED Configuration." Just like for the
LEDs, more beeps indicate a higher received signal strength. This is useful for a person
aligning directional antennas at a height, in an outdoor scenario, if the LEDs are not
visible. Another person on the ground could adjust the threshold values for the LEDs.
There is some delay before the received signal strength gets reported by the alignment
buzzer. To turn off the beeping sounds, click the button “Disable Alignment Buzzer”.
9.11 Routes
When you click on the Status » Routes tab, you would see the page that shows the routing rules
that are currently active on the device.
Figure 13: The Status » Routes page.
This address resolution protocol (ARP) table shows the IP address and corresponding
MAC address of each device on the network.
Active IPv4-Routes This table shows the IPv4 gateway and network ID (Target) for each subnet.