INS_NW7[E]/M_REV– 06/10/13 PAGE 20
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9.8 Network
This section displays the status of the LAN and WAN networks.
Figure 10: Network summary.
Shows summaries of the interfaces for the LAN and WAN zones. This may include uptime, MAC
address, protocol, bytes and packets received by the device, bytes and packets transmitted by
the device, and its IPv4 address.
9.9 DHCP Leases
This section shows a table of MAC and IP addresses of connected devices with static DHCP
leases. They are specified in the Network » Interfaces » LAN » Static Leases section of the device's
configuration web page.
Figure 11: Currently active static DHCP leases.
9.10 Link Status (for Client Mode)
This section only applies if the device operates as an 802.11 station.
Figure 12: The Link Status section.
In the Link Status section on the Status » Overview web page, the value in the top left box denotes
the current received signal strength e.g. -23 dBm. The box directly below it shows the current
TX-CCQ (transmission client connection quality) e.g. 98%. The bottom left box shows a real-time