Blue ‘Function’ button
– this button
is used to access the function menu.
These functions are used for options
such as banking and settlement totals.
Red ‘Cancel’ button
– This button is
used to clear the functions menu and
return the terminal to the ‘Ready’ state.
This button is also used to cancel
transactions at any time when entering
transaction details. Do not allow a
cardholder to use this button.
Magnetic stripe card reader
– the
customer’s card is swiped through the
slide. The magnetic stripe on the back of
the card must be facing the display
screen and be on the down side so that it
will be read by the swipe. This reader is
for all credit card, charge card and debit
card transactions.
Terminal display
– the screen displays all
the messages and directions for the user,
as well as terminal error messages (see
attached list of ‘terminal error messages’
on pages 46-50).
Smart card reader
– this reader is
available for future use with SmartCards.
The reader is located at the bottom of
the terminal.
Terminal function descriptions
Yellow option buttons
– these buttons
are located under the terminal display and
are used to select options displayed on
the screen. The display will show lines
indicating which button to press for the
option you wish to choose.
Alpha/numeric keys
– the keys are used
to input monetary amounts and to select
options when using the terminal. The
alpha keys are also used for entering
passwords and PINs.
Green ‘OK’ button
– complete a data
entry function (returning data entered).
Positively acknowledge a prompt (such
as ‘OK to continue’). Move to next ‘page’
of a horizontal menu (if there is one).
Yellow ‘Clear’ button
– located
to the right of the alpha/numeric keys.
This button will allow you to step back
through the screens or to clear a number
if an error or incorrect amount has been
keyed in. Do not allow a cardholder to
use this button.
Printer ‘feed’ button
– advances the
printer paper forward by 20mm.
PROC0164_ADV9805_ELITE.qxd:PROC0164_ADV9805_ELITE.qxd 17/10/08 7:11 PM Page 7