Control Station Duetto
External video connection for Intercom and SIP contacts
Video streams of external IP cameras can be allocated to imported Intercom (
) and SIP con-
), which will be switched on automatically at the DUETTO display during an incom-
ing call, door call or call request of the respective subscriber.
Add video connection for Intercom contacts
In the address book of the DUETTO device, a subscriber can be imported as contact (RC file) via the
WebConfig for which a video connection of an external IP camera can be configured.
Create a TXT file on the connected computer and copy the following syntax in this file (Unicode char-
acter encoding “UTF-8” required):
Firstname=<First name>
Lastname=<Last name>
Phone=ioip:<call number >
Phone.video=<Protocol>://<User name>:<Password>@<IP address>:<Port>/<Video stream URL>
The following parameters have to be entered for Intercom contacts:
Save this file in RC data format and import it via the WebConfig (
). An example can be
NOTE: Supported transmission protocols and codecs
DUETTO supports the following transmission protocols and codecs:
Transmission protocol
: http, rtsp
Video codec
: H.264 Constrained Baseline, MPEG-4
Audio codec
: AAC, AC3 32kHz Mono
NOTE: Resolution for proper playback of video stream
In order to ensure a proper playback of the video stream, the resolution of the video file may not exceed
800 x 600 pixel.
<First name>
<Last name>
<Call number>
Call number of the Intercom subscriber.
Video transmission protocol (“http” or “rtsp”).
<User name>
User name for authentication of the external IP camera (if required).
Password for authentication of the external IP camera (if required).
<IP address>
IP address of the external IP camera.
Port of the destination IP address (if required).
<Video stream URL>
URL through which the video stream of the external camera can be retrieved.