Control Station Duetto
Add video connection for SIP contacts
In the address book of the DUETTO device, a SIP subscriber can be imported as contact (RC file) via the
WebConfig, for which a video connection of an external IP camera can be configured.
Create a TXT file on the connected computer and copy the following syntax in this file (Unicode char-
acter encoding “UTF-8” required):
Firstname=<First name>
Lastname=<Last name>
Phone=sip:<User ID >@<IP address SIP>
Phone.video=<Protocol>://<User name>:<Password>@<IP address>:<Port>/<Video stream URL>
The following parameters have to be entered for SIP contacts:
Save this file in RC data format and import it via the WebConfig (
: SIP contact with video connection
SIP contact with video connection
<First name>
<Last name>
<User ID>
User ID of the SIP subscriber.
<IP address>
IP address of the SIP subscriber in serverless operation or IP address of the respec-
tive SIP server in server operation.
Video transmission protocol (“http” or “rtsp”).
<User name>
User name for authentication of the external IP camera (if required).
Password for authentication of the external IP camera (if required).
<IP address>
IP address of the external IP camera.
Port of the destination IP address (if required).
<Video stream URL>
URL via which the video stream of the external camera can be retrieved.
NOTE: Video stream of external IP camera has higher priority
If the video stream of an external IP camera is added to a SIP contact via the parameter “Phone.video”,
the transmitted video stream of the built-in of the SIP device (if available) will automatically be faded out
at the DUETTO device during a call and the video stream of the external IP camera will be shown instead.
NOTE: Door opener
Up to two door opener can be configured for a single SIP contact (