LEGAL REMEDIES: This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
and you may also have rights that vary from state to state.
Though every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, these
instructions may include technical or typographical errors. Content of
these instructions may be changed from time to time due to product
improvement. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of
these instructions. We disclaim liability for any changes, errors, or
International return policy
Command Communications, Inc. does not guarantee that this product
will be compatible with the telecommunications systems of all
countries. Modifications may have been made to products in order to
function in certain locations. Therefore, it is best to purchase our
products in the country in which it will be used.
If this product is purchased outside the U.S. from an authorized
Command Communications' dealer, it should be returned for repair at
the location where it was purchased, as provisions have been
established to handle warranty repair outside the U.S.
If you send the product directly to Command Communications for
repair, you will be responsible to pay all freight, handling, and
Custom charges (both ways).