Comfy Go Mobility
Email: [email protected],
Tel:+1 844 755 5055
Transporting Your Fold Power Wheelchair PATRIOT 12
To transport your Fold Power Wheelchair, it is advised that you fold it up following the procedures below.
Note: Never transport the power wheelchair in a tie up system (electric mode), as the Fold Power
Wheelchair PATRIOT 12 is not compatible with them. Never sit in the wheelchair and be transported in
moving vehicle. Do not place the folded power wheelchair in the front seat with driver where it could move
and slide.
1. Turn OFF the power from the controller.
2. Remove seat cushion.
3. Press down the backrest and flip the back safety latch down to unlock the frame.
4. Fold the wheelchair.
5. When folded, the seat cross bar can be used to move the wheelchair easily.
Press down the backrest
Flip up to unlock frame
Seat cross bar