Opera�on and controller instruc�ons
ON/OFF Button:
Press and hold for 2 seconds to turn on the device and ON/OFF bu�on turn
to green indicator and ac�vate the device to work on
Mode I (Green Indicator ) at Medium intensity level (Yellow Indicator).
Press and hold for 2 seconds to turn off the device.
The Indicator flashes when the battery is low.
Pressure Mode
Press to set the Pressure Mode
at Mode 1,Mode 2 and Mode 3
Mode 1- Green Light
Mode 2- Yellow light
Mode 3 - Red light
Heat Button:
Press to ac�vate heat
func�on. You may cycle
through Low,Medium,
High or Off se�ngs.
Low - Green light
Medium - Yellow light
High - Red light
Intensity Button:
Press to set the
massage intensity at
Low, Medium,
High Level.
Low - Green Light
Medium - Yellow light
High - Red light
Vibration Mode
Press to ac�vate
vibra�on func�on
You may cycle through
Mode 1,Mode 2
and Mode 3
Mode 1- Green Light
Mode 2- Yellow light
Mode 3 - Red light