Gatekeeper Mode Operations
Gatekeeper Mode (#20) allows the user to make a direct call to another user with
ADSL dynamic IP address registered in the gatekeeper. The IPTEL with dynamic IP
address will register its current IP address to the gatekeeper under the assigned alias
name and alias telephone number. When the Gatekeeper Mode is enabled, you may
dial the alias telephone number to call the party with its alias telephone number
registered in the gatekeeper.
A Gatekeeper is needed for users with ADSL Dynamic IP. For Gatekeeper (GK) Mode
VoIP calls, you need to provide IPTEL for the followings; the gatekeeper IP, the alias
name, the alias number, and the Time to Live (TTL). The Time To Live defines the
time period of IPTEL for repeat registration to the gatekeeper. You may display or
change the Gatekeeper IP, TA alias name, and alias number from the PC Telnet
Gatekeeper Command Mode
Enter #200 to disable gatekeeper mode.
Enter #201 to enable gatekeeper mode (default).
Gatekeeper Registrations
Enter #21+Gatekeeper IP
for Gatekeeper IP (12 digits)
Enter #23+Alias Name
for TA Alias Name (max 48 letters)
Enter #24+Alias Number
for Registered Alias Number (max 48 digits)
Enter #26+Time To Live
for Time To Live in minute (2 digits, max 15)
Enter #201
;to Enable Gatekeeper mode
Enter #21061066159237
;for Gatekeeper IP
Enter #23VOIP
;for Alias Name “VOIP”
Enter #24123456
;for Registered Alias Number 123456
Enter #261
;for Time To Live 1 minutes
After enabling the Gatekeeper mode from PC, then the VG100/110 will register the
alias number 123456 to the gatekeeper with IP Also, the PHONE LED
will be flashing indicating the IPTEL is in Gatekeeper mode. The IPTEL will be ready to
make a Gatekeeper Dynamic IP call.
Note that you need to press the “
” to complete configurations from the telephone
set. it is not needed in PC telnet session.