4. Control the PTZ camera by moving the joystick. When moving the joystick back to the
original place, the speed dome stops moving.
Set or Call Preset
To set preset
1. Select a TV wall. For example: tap
“1” and then tap “MON” to choose NO.1 TV wall.
2. Select a window. For example: tap
“3” and then tap “WIN” to choose NO.3 window.
3. Set the position of the preset by moving joystick.
4. Input the digital number and then tap
“Set Preset” on the screen or press the digital
number and then push “SET PRE” on the keyboard.
To call preset
1. Select a TV wall. For example: tap
“1” and then tap “MON” to choose NO.1 TV wall.
2. Select a window. For example: tap
“3” and then tap “WIN” to choose NO.3 window.
3. Input the digital number and then tap
“Call Preset” on the screen or press the digital
number and then push “CALL PRE” on the keyboard.
: The effective number of the preset ranges from 1 to 255; the effective number of the
cruise line ranges from 1~8; the effective number of track ranges from 1~4.
Set, Call or Stop Cruise
To set cruise
1. Select a TV wall. For example: tap
“1” and then tap “MON” to choose NO.1 TV wall.
2. Select a window. For example: tap
“3” and then tap “WIN” to choose NO.3 window.
3. Input the digital number and then tap
“Set Cruise” on the screen. Then the cruise line
number will be displayed and you shall add presets to this cruise line.
4. Add presets: tap the digital number and then tap
“ENTER” to add preset. Repeat this step
to add more presets.
5. Tap
“Save Cruise” to complete the settings.
To call cruise
1. Select a TV wall. For example: tap
“1” and then tap “MON” to choose NO.1 TV wall.
2. Select a window. For example: tap
“3” and then tap “WIN” to choose NO.3 window.
3. Input the digital number and then tap
“Call Cruise” on the screen or press the digital
number and push “CALL CRU” on the keyboard.
To stop cruise
1. Select a TV wall. For example: tap
“1” and then tap “MON” to choose NO.1 TV wall.
2. Select a window. For example: tap
“3” and then tap “WIN” to choose NO.3 window.
3. Tap
“Stop Cruise”.