Network Camera Module
w/ remote snap shot
3.3 Live view
After enter the system login picture, type user name and password to view IPCAM live image. If you
are the first time to start IPC98, you have to modify the IE security settings. (Please follow the system
login instruction to operate) or it will appear warning window lead to web page display incorrectly.
After configure the security settings for first time, you need not configure again in the future.
Step 1
Modify IE security setting property
There are two varieties for configuring the security settings.
1. Open internet explorer “tool
Internet options” >> security”>> select “Internet area”>>
select “custom level”,
2. Modify and check following options
a. “Download unsigned ActiveX controls” select “prompt”
Initialize unsigned ActiveX controls and script” click “enable”
Run ActiveX controls and plug ins ”click “enable”
Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting” click “enable”
3. click “OK”
Download unsigned ActiveX controls
and “Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as
safe” can not click “enable” , otherwise some unknown unsigned ActiveX controls will lead your PC
infect virus or be attacked by hackers).
Method 2
Open the IE browser, select “tool”>> “Internet Options”>> “Security”, Then select “trusted sites”, as
After select “trusted sites”, enter “trusted sites” box, un-select “Require server verification (https:) for all
sites in this zone”, then add IP98’s web address, click “Add”, click “OK” to finish the settings.
Back to IPC98 system login web page, enter
user name” and “password”