13.2. Device version
– codes the version of the software.
Digits and sometimes letters are used. To make sure that this manual applies to the device you have
purchased, please compare the first digit of this parameter and the first digit of the manual version shown on
the title page. They should be the same. The third and fourth characters are for internal use only; for you, only
the first character after the dot is important. For instance, a manual version 4.2 applies to devices with software
versions starting with
13.3. Serial number
This is a unique number. There are no two devices with identical serial numbers.
The controller constantly runs self-tests and checks input sensor state. If the device detects a failure,
it displays a failure message and activates relay K9.
The following types of failure messages are possible:
, and
The type of failure blinks on the upper display, while the lower display shows a detailed failure message.
If there is more than one failure, the most severe is signaled. The priority of failures is as they are listed above.
If there is more than one failure, the lower display also blinks. In this case, other failure messages may be
cycled through via
When the device is still capable of some operation, and the failure does not concern Configuration,
the failure message may be temporarily suppressed by pressing
. After that, the display may be used
in the normal way. Five minutes after the last key pressing, the failure message will reappear (if failure is still
present). To display the failure message again, press the same key that hides it –
Relay K9 remains active while the failure is present, independently of failure message suppression.
14.1. Failures type
An irregularity of device microprocessor system functioning was detected. Possible reasons are severe
electromagnetic disturbances or hardware problem.
The message on the lower display is for internal use.
The device power supply should be turned off for 5...10 seconds. If, after restart, the message is still
displayed, the device should be sent for repair. If functioning resumes normally, take measures to protect
the device from electromagnetic disturbances (see chapter "Protection from electromagnetic disturbances").
14.2. Failures type
There is a problem with the integrity of the parameters saved in the nonvolatile memory (the values of some
parameters of the controller may be lost). The most probable reason is a severe electromagnetic disturbance. If this
happens more than once, take measures to protect the device (see "Protection from electromagnetic disturbances").
The lower display shows the failing group of parameters.