SR-1910 QI
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4.3 OMT
This section is to be read in conjunction with the OMT document (Ref. 0.6.3).
The equipment can be monitored and controlled by either one of three methods:
OMT software running on a local PC with serial RS-232 connection to the equipment.
OMT software running on PC with wireless modem connection.
OMC software with remote connection to the equipment over wireless modem connection.
The OMT software is based on Windows operating system, and is designed for monitoring and maintaining
of Comba repeaters and boosters.
For SR-1910 repeater, the OMT software can accomplish the following functions:
To configure and adjust the repeater’s operating parameters
To display the repeater’s internal operation status.
To display the input field level and output power.
To download MCU firmware.
Figure 14: OMT main screen
As the window above shows, the left interface of the OMT screen is the equipment information tree area.
Click any tree symbol to unfold the relevant information, and click on the relevant information tree node to
view the details in the right interface of the OMT screen.
The OMT is documented separately in the OMT v3.20 Product Manual. (Reference: 0.6.3)