Mains pro 1.6.1 Global Guide
Requirements for power supply disconnecting device:
In case of power supply from AC voltage, the unit must be equipped by circuit breaker or contactor, marked as
disconnecting device in accordance with the EN 61010-1 standard.
The power supply circuit 8-40 VDC is internally interconnected with the supply circuit 85-265 VAC. In
case of operation with both power supply terminals connected, keep in mind, that a failure of insulation in the
AC power supply may cause propagation of AC voltage into the circuits of low safe DC voltage, due to galvanic
interconnection of both circuits!
3.4.6 Relay outputs connection
For safety purposes, it is recommended to set all MainsPro relay outputs to inverse logic for failure trips and
signaling. This means that under fault-free conditions all contacts are kept in energized position. In trip or out-of-
range signaling state, the contacts de-energize. In case of power-supply fail, the unit automatically moves to
fault-signaling by de-energizing the output relays, assuring safety disconnection of the controlled devices.
These outputs are marked with exclamation mark (i.e.!CommTrpPer).
However, the outputs can be set to normal logic which means, that in fault-free state all contacts are kept in de-
energized position. In trip or out-of-range signaling state, the contacts energize. These outputs are without
exclamation mark (i.e.CommTrpPer).
Relay outputs in MainsPro are freely assignable by the setpoints f(RE).
In default configuration, RE1 serves as the permanently energized common trip output contact
). Use this contact to operate the connector devices with permanently energized
In default configuration, RE2 serves as an impulse common trip contact (
). Use
this contact to operate e.g. opening or UV coil of circuit breakers.
Remaining 3 relay outputs serve for signaling of any sensed failure.
The arrangement of RE1 to 4 outputs in default configuration corresponds to the functionality of the previous
NPU-FUV unit outputs.
3.4.7 Binary switches connection
MainsPro provides 4 galvanically isolated binary switches with configurable functionality. These inputs allow
connection of any voltage free contact between the common terminal BIC and the appropriate functional contact
(BI2 – BI4).
Particular functions (External Trip, Fault Reset, Alternative settings, Disable, CB Feedback) are freely
assignable by setpoint in
For full description
see Library of Binary switches on page 61
3.5 Measurement range
MainsPro allows using multiple voltage ranges on the measurement inputs with unchanged measurement
accuracy. The following ranges are applicable:
230 V - this range applies in case of "star" connection of the 3-phase system using nominal 230V phase to
neutral. It may be also used for single-phase applications 230V phase to neutral. Overshoot by 30% up to
290V is possible for this measurement range. For this case, set the setpoint
to 230/400V.
MainsPro will adjust automatically the measurement method, to assure the defined accuracy for the
measured voltage 230 V.