6. Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with the EC Directive on Machines 2006/42/EC
G. Staehle GmbH u. Co. KG
columbus Reinigungsmaschinen
Mercedesstraße 15
D-70372 Stuttgart
hereby declares that the following product conforms to the regulations of the above mentioned directive –
as well as any modifications valid at the time the declaration was made.
Sweeping suction machine
KS 90
VM 60
The following related standards apply:
EC standard machines 89-392-EWG
EC standard on electromagnetic compatibility
19.04.2016 / 20.04.2016
EC low voltage standard 2006/95/EC
Harmonised standards applied:
EN 292 T1 und T2
National standards applied:
EN 60335-1
EN 60335-2-67
EN 60335-2-72
EN 60335-2-205
DIN 31000/3.79
It is ensured through internal measures that series-production units conform at all times to
the requirements of current EU Directives and relevant standards.
Stuttgart, 12.07.2019
Dipl. Ing.(BA) Erich Stockmann,
Head of Design and Development
Authorised Documentation Representative: Dr. M. Baumgärtel