Magellan 420 Weather Station
Columbia Weather Systems, Inc.
Wind Speed
Range: 0-134mph (0-60 m/s)
Accuracy: +/-0.5 m/s or 5% of reading
Resolution: 0.2 mph (0.1 m/s)
Units Available: knots, mph, km/hr, m/s
Wind Direction
Azimuth: 0-360°
Accuracy: ±5° at wind speed >2.2 m/s
Resolution: 1°
Units Available: ° Azimuth
Range: -40 to +140°F (-40 to +60°C)
Accuracy: ±0.2°C (0 to 60°C)
±0.5°C (-40°C to 0°C)
Resolution: 0.1°C
Units Available: °F, °C
Barometric Pressure
Range: 17.50 to 32.50 InHg (600 to 1100 hPa)
Accuracy: ±0.5 hPa (At 25°C)
Resolution: 0.1 hPa
Units Available: Kpa, mbar, InHg
Relative Humidity
Range: 0 - 100%
Accuracy: ±3% (At 25°C)
Resolution: 1%
Units Available: %RH
Accuracy: ±2°
Resolution: 1°
Input Voltage
The Magellan 420 is powered with an internal switching power supply
Input: 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz
Output: 24VDC
Serial to Analog Converters
Analog Range: 4-20 mA
Current sourcing
Accuracy at 25°C: 0.1% of range