Heating Blocks
A complete range of modular heating blocks for heating round bottom flasks is available for use with
the metal top hotplates.
Please visit the Cole-Parmer website www.coleparmer.com for further information.
Error Codes
The following error codes are displayed if the instrument detects an error condition. On the digital
models the errors are shown as Er1, Er2 etc. on the LED display. On the analog models, the Er1
condition is shown by flashing the first LED on the temperature scale, Er2 would be shown by flashing
the second LED and so on.
– Probe Range Error – If temperature controller reports probe temperature of > 325°C (617°F)
or < -99°C (-146°F).
– Communication Lost Error – Communications with the temperature controller have been lost.
– Hotplate Temperature Error – If the hotplate measures its temperature > 585°C (1085°F)
or < -9.9°C (-14°F).
– Hotplate Ambient Error – If the temperature sensed inside the hotplate (not the plate
temperature) is 85°C (185°F).
– Character Error – An unknown character was received from the temperature controller
– Probe Out Error – The instrument detects that the temperature controller probe has been
removed from the solution being heated.
– Timeout Error – The temperature controller did not respond to a request in the required
Servicing and Repair
This product range does not require any routine servicing.
Note: There are no internal user replaceable parts.
In the event of product failure it is recommended that any repair is only undertaken by suitably qualified
personnel. For advice, please contact Cole-Parmer quoting the model and serial number.
Only spare parts supplied by the manufacturer or its agent should be used. Fitting of non-approved
parts may affect the performance of the safety features of the instrument.
Note: The magnetic stirrer drive utilizes strong magnets.
If in doubt, please contact Cole-Parmer.