Plastic construction
CH-3700 Spiez
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Editione 2010 / Subject of alteration
Copyright by COLASIT AG Spiez
Page 12
6.2 Decomissioning
An internal procedure instruction regulates the work to be carried out as well as the preparatory work for re-
commissioning (e.g. cleaning).
7 Maintenance,
7.1 Preparation
Before any work is carried out on the fan, it has to be brought into its "safety
The "safety position" is defined as follows:
Drive is de-energised, the main control switch is secured against switching on,
The fan impeller can be manually rotated,
Fan flushed with fresh air and condensate-free,
Fan is at room temperature,
Personal protective equipment is available and its use is ordered. (Use of protective gloves because
of sharp edges, ear protectors if necessary).
A sign, e.g. “in revision", is to be attached to the plant,
The safety devices may be removed,
The work to be carried out must not be done under time pressure,
The general and specific regulations on accident prevention as well as the EKAS guidelines
(Switzerland) are to be observed,
The safety inspector is informed about the nature and the course of the works.
If the intake and delivery ducts of the fan are dismounted for a longer period of time, the openings are to be
closed off.