Four supported transport modes can be used for stream one: unicast, multicast, RTP/TCP, and RTP/HTTP/
TCP. Selecting Multicast allows you to specify a multicast address to use. In all cases the packet size to use
can be specified as 550, 1400 or 8192 bytes.
Transport Mode: Choose from the drop down menu:
Unicast RTP/RTSP broadcasting: For video on demand between a single sender and a single re-
ceiver – and if the system does not have multicast capabilities (see Note 1 and Note 2).
• Multicast broadcasting: For a large simultaneous number of viewers and for the most efficient us
age of bandwidth.
• RTP/TCP: Use RTSP Interleavced method to traverse firewalls.
• RTP/HTTP/TCP: Use HTTP tunneling method to traverse firewalls.
: Multicast requires a special configuration of the router. It is not possible to multicast over
the Internet.
: Only 8 simultaneous connections are allowed for a unicast broadcasting.
Default Multicast address:
Multicast Port: This parameter sets the destination multicast port for stream 2 using the RTP or M2TS trans-
port over UDP. Value: 1-65535. Default: 19000.