With the receive trays removed, touch only those internal components that are colored
green. Remove rings, ties, jewelry, and other items, and tie back hair, so that they do not fall into or get
caught in the imager.
Use only cleaning swabs from a Barcode Reader Cleaning Kit.
Do not scratch or nick the sheet metal. Scratches and nicks in the basement will damage the
printed side of ChromaVista sheets.
Federal law restricts this device to be sold for use by or on the order of a physician.
With the top cover open, touch only those internal components that are colored green.
Remove rings, ties, jewelry, and other items, and tie back hair, so that they do not fall into or get caught
in the imager.
Do not touch the pick tires (which may be white or green); body oils from your fingers are
hard to remove and could eventually damage the tires.
To avoid damaging internal components, use care when removing a sheet from the media
path in the upper part of the imager.
Never put a sheet back in the cassette. Dust or oil from your finger will affect the image
With the top cover open, touch only those internal components that are colored green.
Remove rings, ties, jewelry, and other items, and tie back hair, so that they do not fall into or get caught
in the imager.
Be careful not to scratch the polished sheet metal or damage the sensor near the upper
guide notch.
Make sure you do not overrotate the media guide, as shown below.
Federal law restricts this device to be sold for use by or on the order of a physician.
Use care when running the Purge Print Jobs function. This function will purge other users’
print jobs as well as yours.
All files uploaded using anonymous FTP are readable by other FTP users. DO NOT upload
sensitive or classified information.