CODESCAN CS602 User’s Manual
Figure 3-6
Press [ ] to select ON/OFF and press [
] to confirm.
When this function is
ON, and the icon “ ” appears, then CS602 can record DTC's , record Datastream
and record Freeze Frames.
4.6 Vehicle Coverage
The CS602 is specially designed to work with all OBD II compliant vehicles,
including Control Area Network (CAN). It is required by EPA that all 1996 and
newer vehicles (cars and light trucks) sold in the United States must be OBD II
compliant and this includes all American, Asian and European vehicles.
A small number of 1994 and 1995 model year gasoline vehicles are OBD II
compliant. To verify if a 1994 or 1995 vehicle is OBD II compliant, check the
Vehicle Emissions Control Information (VECI) Label, which is located under the
hood or by the radiator of most vehicles. If the vehicle is OBD II compliant, the
label will designate “OBD II Certified”. Additionally, Government regulations
mandate that all OBD II compliant vehicles must have a “common” sixteen-pin Data
Link Connector (DLC).
For the vehicle to be OBD II compliant it must have a 16-pin DLC (Data Link
Connector) under the dash and the Vehicle Emission Control Information Label must
state that the vehicle is OBD II compliant.
5.1 Connection
1) Turn the ignition off.
2) Locate the vehicle’s 16-pin Data Link Connector (DLC).