Technical Manual
Page 25
Issue : B
Rev. : 1
Date : 23/10/13
Doc. i/d : 0109/6
Ref. : 090028
4 Det gain 008
ChB gain 114
7.8.3. Displacement
Displacement, which is the location on the correlogram of the minimum, is displayed along with the correlation
The ‘displacement’ is the position in the correlation window at which the minimum correlation level is found. This
value is determined every second by the analyser.
The actual ‘time delay’ between channel ‘A’ and channel ‘B’
transducers is obtained by multiplying the smoothed value of displacement by the data rate.
Displacement is a value up to 254. The actual transit time of the gas between the two measurement points is
determined by:
displacement (t) x data rate ms
The correlation coefficient is an assessment of the quality of data.
Correlation coefficient =
(Ref val
– min val)
x 100
(Ref val)
Coefficients of less than 10% will imply an invalid measurement.
4 Corr coeff 091%
t = 181 a>dr = 1.0ms
7.8.4. Flow Data
Instantaneous flow (flow (0)) and a 60 second smoothed value (flow (60)) are displayed.
Flow Data
4 Flw (0) 021.3m/s
Flw (60) 022.1m/s
7.8.5. Calibration Data
Data from the previous calibration can be accessed here. The auto calibration performs both a low and high
point calibration. Calibration points can be selected and electronic signals are injected into the measuring heads
to simulate a flow at that particular velocity. The high and low flow values then measured by the monitor are
displayed at this point.
Calibration Data
4 Hi cal 25.1m/s
Lo cal 05.0m/s