Instruction manual of distancemeter TEPEX 2S - May 2021 version
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The probe is realized in polymer and is equipped with a ring that allows the attachment.
A screw cap provides access to the housing of the 9 volt battery.
To ensure a maximum sealing of the battery housing, take care that the seal
surface stays clean and in the right position.
The cap must be tightened correctly.
The probe’s power supply cuts automatically when the probe is in horizontal
position or when the voltage is insufficient.
The information « low battery » is transmitted to the reading box.
The rope provided is graduated every meter from the bottom of the probe. It
measures the depth of the borehole.
Advice of use :
The user can introduce the bore in a sheath to allow its extraction in case of jamming in a
borehole. So, as the bore is jamed the user can take it out of the sheath by pulling the
fixing rope.
The tube can be composed of a standard Post sheath diameter 60 mm joined to the bore.
The 3 grooves allow to tighten differently according to the real diameter of the sheath.
Position of the 9 volts battery in its chamber