1. Finishes - All exterior and interior metal parts are anodized. While paint may be more
impact resistant, the anodized surface is more resistant to solvents and prevents
corrosion. Moreover, the anodized parts' appearance can be enhanced by either
graining or bead-blasting the surface.
2. Circuit Board - Circuit boards are fiberglass epoxy with gold plating over a tin/nickel
barrier. This gold layer will not corrode, while the barrier plate prevents the gold from
migrating to the lower copper layer and detracting from its appearance.
3. Resistors - All are high reliability metal film 1% resistors.
4. Capacitors - All capacitors are of high quality. The only electrolytics used are in the
power supply where large numbers provide enormous filtering capacitance for the
5. Semiconductors - There are no integrated circuits (IC) to be found in the circuit path.
Very high quality dual FETs are the only source of voltage gain and were selected for their
superb noise performance and precision matching. The remaining semiconductors are
also of very high quality, each possessing parameters ideally suited for the specific
6. Connectors - Coda employs a standard RCA configuration with a gold plated case.
The balanced connectors are Neutriks from Switzerland.
7. Wire - All signal wire has been eliminated whenever possible. Where wire is used, Coda
employs silver plated copper, 141 strand, 18 guage wire with a silicone insulation.