Check the chain lubrication
Warning! The guide bar, saw chain and drive sprocket should always be
assembled while checking the chain lubrication. If you start without these being
assembled you can be injured by rotating parts or by the centrifugal clutch’s
weights. It is very dangerous to start the chain saw if all the parts are not mounted.
Start the engine and let it run on medium speed. Keep the guide bar with the saw chain
close to the ground or an object. If the chain lubrication is working a small amount of oil
should spatter in front of and under the guide bar.
Switching off
1. Release the throttle.
2. Turn the power switch to
Tips for using the chainsaw
Chopping firewood
Safety rules:
• Make sure that the log is secure and not able to slide/roll around during sawing. Try to fasten small logs before starting to
cut them.
• Only use the chainsaw for cutting wood. Make sure that no stones, nails or other objects that can be projected or
damage the chain are close to the chainsaw during use. Avoid letting the chainsaw come into contact with the ground,
barbed wire fences, etc, during operation.
• Make sure that the tip of the guide bar does not come into contact with small branches, chop one branch/twig at a time.
Make sure you have a steady stance, use safety footwear with non-slip soles.
• The chainsaw must always be switched off when you move around. Do not keep your hand on the power trigger so that
the saw can start if you trip over something.
• The chainsaw must always be started first and running at full speed before the saw chain is pressed against the wood.
• Start the saw by pressing in the lock-off switch and squeezing the trigger on the rear handle (16).
• Place the lower part of the spiked bumper (21) against the wood and begin sawing. Pull the chainsaw backwards a little
and move it so that the wood is higher up on the spiked bumper and continue sawing.
• Be careful when sawing wood that is split or cracked, splinters might be ejected.
Sawing trees that are under tension or compression
Warning: Be careful when cutting branches that are under tension or compression.
Size up the job and work out how the tree or branch is bowed before starting to saw. If you saw into wood that is under compression,
the saw could get stuck; if you saw into wood that is under tension, the wood could split and spring back unexpectedly.
The top of the wood is under tension and the bottom of
the wood is under compression.
The wood will spring upwards when it is cut.
The bottom of the wood is under tension and the top of
the wood is under compression.
The wood will collapse when it is cut.